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Desperate Measures Page 5
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Page 5
Caitlin proceeded. “My company has developed a process that can supply safe drinking water immediately. The procedure has been patented and has passed all tests mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act. The filtration units are the size of a standard generator and produce potable water for consumption if power is disrupted. Brad’s focus of research involves a new technology to cleanse and filter out any chemical and nutrient contaminants, providing a source of cleanup for spills in the waterways and estuaries. In Florida this is a big deal for the Everglades Restoration Project, referred to in short as the ERP.”
Drew massaged his temples, looked at his watch, and stood up. “Caitlin, I think we covered enough for now until we get all of the evidence collected. We have about an hour before I have to pick Tomas up. Let’s go grab some lunch at Mel’s.”
“Drew, I’m going with you and Tomas,” Scott said. “Caitlin, you take the kids to the pool until we get back.”
“Scott, I know you want to be on top of this. At this stage let us handle it. You’re personally involved and we can’t take the chance of compromising anything involving the chain of custody, or the chain of command. Don’t worry, you’ll know everything the minute we do. I’ve worked some cases with Tomas in Baltimore. He’ll have access to all records and evidence. You know I’m not going to play the turf war game, “Drew reminded Scott.
“Dammit! I know you’re right but I feel I should be doing something to track down the piece of shit responsible for this.”
“The best thing you can do right now, until we have leads and evidence, is relax with your family, hang out at the pool and go to the beach. Now let’s go get some lunch.”
* * * *
After three tries of navigating the small streets of downtown Basseterre, Tomas gave up and steered the van down the mountain. In front of them stood the enormous Oceanside Royal Resort and Casino with the brilliant blue Atlantic Ocean behind it. To the right, the light blue-green Caribbean Sea sparkled.
“Me want to go pool and beach now,” Alexandra screeched from the back seat. Tomas looked at Chad and then in the rearview mirror at Alexandra. Their expressions told him their patience had worn thin and they’d enough of driving. “Go that way.” She pointed right. Tomas turned left on a side street off the small traffic circle.
“Tomas, this road dead ends at the golf course. Can’t we go to the beach now? I want to snorkel,” Chad grumbled. “My mom’s right, you can’t drive on these islands. She told me about the time when you met my parents and their friends, Trish and Keith, in St. Thomas when they went on a cruise.”
“Yeah, I’m sure your mother told you all about that trip, I know she never lets me forget it! Every Christmas card I get from your parents has a map in it. I had to work on the airport security case and didn’t have time for joy riding.”
“It’s really funny when my mom tells me that story.” Chad laughed.
“Oh, I’m sure it’s hilarious the way your mother can spin a tale. With her knack for writing, I’m terrified I am going to watch a movie someday and see that whole day on the big screen.”
Finally, driving in a direction that satisfied Chad, Tomas asked the boy, “So where’s the best place to snorkel and swim around here? I brought my mask and fins, too.”
“The best place is Cockleshell Beach but let’s go to Frigate Bay, by The Lobster Shack. It’s right there, just turn down this dirt road.”
* * * *
Driving into the sand parking lot Drew commented, “Isn’t that your van?”
“Yeah, what are Tomas and the kids doing here already?” Scott said, and then laughed when he looked at Caitlin.
“Oh, I am sure we’ll hear all about it from Chad.” Caitlin tried not to burst into hysterical laughter. “You know Tomas. He has no problem navigating around big cities like Miami, Baltimore, or New York, but put him on a small island, driving on the left side of the road, and he can’t function!”
“Mom, Dad!” Chad cried as he ran out of the water with his diving mask. “Don’t send me and Alexandra with Tomas again. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. We kept going up and down side streets through downtown. Then that circle, I thought he’d never get around it and there weren’t even any cars!”
“Okay, bud.” Scott chuckled, looked at Caitlin, and they both laughed uncontrollably.
“Mind filling me in on what’s so funny?” Drew interjected.
“Oh, Drew, if you only knew.” Caitlin hiccupped. “This is a riot. Scott and I went on a cruise a few years ago with our best friends, Trish and Keith. One of our ports of call was St. Thomas where, pardon the pun, Tomas was working with Homeland Security on the airport security system at that time. He’d been on the island for six months.
“Scott gave Tomas our itinerary and told him to meet us at the port and show us the island. He met us at the ship, jumped out of the car with a map, and asked us where we wanted to go. All four of us laughed in his face. We’d never been to St. Thomas before and expected the grand tour.
“We piled into the car and Tomas got lost immediately. Then he tried to make us think he knew where the hell he was going. He pulled off onto a dirt road to show us where Weekend at Bernie’s II was filmed. We got a flat tire. Scott, Tomas, and Keith changed the tire and we drove to Cocci Beach. Both Trish and I decided to get while the getting was good and swim there. Who knew where Tomas would’ve taken us next.”
* * * *
While Caitlin talked to Drew, Scott and Tomas slipped away unnoticed.
“Let me see those papers, Tomas.”
“They’re right here in my briefcase, here you go.” Tomas held out the documents for Scott to inspect.
Scott found what he needed then declared, “I thought so!”
Perplexed and confused, Tomas challenged Scott, “You thought so what? Care to clue me in?”
“Look at this picture, specifically the eyes.”
Tomas almost dropped the article, dated ten months ago, that depicted James Bucklin at an awards ceremony. James had a jubilant smile on his face as he shook the hand of Gerard Hellerman, the recipient of the Scientific Achievement Award.
“Holy fucking shit! Your wife has the most unusual eyes I’ve ever seen and I’m looking at them in this picture. I know your wife’s history about the possible genetic tie to the Bucklins, but there’s no mistaking those eyes. What’s the link and what does any of this have to do with the cryptic messages?”
“I don’t know yet,” Scott said as he led Tomas to a beachside table.
Both men were preoccupied with the news article but Tomas noticed the picnic basket. It remained untouched, except for the zip lock ice bags the waitress added as a preservative. Good food gone to waste. Maybe not, the meal could be a late night snack. Growing up in Cuba with six siblings, one never wasted anything, definitely not food. Tomas absentmindedly handed over the credit card. In return he received an “I told you so” look from Scott.
At a nearby table, out of earshot, Chad had a huge lobster in front of him, and Alexandra nibbled on a hot dog and French fries. Spoiled, spoiled children.
Chapter Eight
“Mrs. Martel!” Caitlin turned as the hotel manager rushed toward her.
“What is it, Tony? You look frantic.”
“This package just arrived for you with explicit instructions to hand deliver. I heard about what happened at your new home. I’m so terribly sorry.”
“Thank you, Tony, everything will be fine and I appreciate your concern.” Tony left and Caitlin turned to Scott. “This package is most likely from Victoria.”
“What?” Scott hissed when he looked at the to-be-delivered-to address. “No one knows we’re staying in the hotel, why wasn’t this sent to our house?” He pulled on latex gloves. He always carried them with him, just in case. He took the package and opened it. His astonished gaze focused on a single sheet of glossy paper that had been ripped from a magazine. He turned to Caitlin with a grave expression. “Cait
lin, brace yourself.”
Caitlin stared in disbelief. She assumed this was the same article Drew referred to the night before about James Bucklin. An additional headline had been added; This is not your uncle, Bitch. No DNA.
“What the hell’s going on and why is this happening now? This is all behind me and my company’s not doing any DNA research!” Caitlin’s voice, louder than she intended, had captured the attention of the resort guests passing through the lobby, in addition to her children, who became frightened and intently observed their parents.
“Mom, what is it, did something bad happen at work?” Chad asked his mother and tugged on her arm.
“No, honey, everything’s fine. Let’s go to the pool. Can you play with your sister in the kiddie area for a minute?” She did her best to remain calm and positive.
“Okay, but can I play volleyball later?” Chad pleaded.
“Yes, but Linda will probably babysit for a little while this afternoon and evening, so I can take care of some business.”
The kids ran ahead and Caitlin turned to Scott. “This really has me scared. Should we send the children to my parents or yours? If someone’s targeting and threatening me, I can’t put Chad and Alexandra in danger while we clear up this mess.”
Scott reassured her. “Right now I think they’re safer here with us. We’re on alert and have Tomas and Drew providing additional protection. Furthermore, they’re getting all of the customs records. We might get a clue to help identify this bastard.
“Stay here at the pool for a minute while I contact Drew and Tomas at the police station. Make sure you get a hold of Linda. I’ll tell Drew to send his deputy over, too.”
While Caitlin swam with the kids, she became more anxious by the minute. Even the beautiful pool with bridges, waterfalls, and the swim up bar couldn’t relax her. She knew an investigation would be made into the Bucklin family. How could it not with the arrival of that news clipping? She was certain Scott had already scanned and sent all three suspicious notes to the FBI’s New York field office, the same city Bucklin Enterprises housed its headquarters.
Caitlin watched Alexandra jump into the pool and swim to the edge. She enjoyed the moment for a few seconds. Both of her children started swimming very early but Alexandra claimed title of water-bug in the family. At two, she’d already started to dive.
Linda walked toward them with Mitch Logan, Drew’s deputy, behind her. Mitch wore mirrored sunglasses and was dressed as a hotel pool waiter. His eyes roved back and forth, observing every guest at the pool with a suspicious stare. Caitlin relaxed. Her children would be safe under Mitch’s and Linda’s watchful eyes.
When Caitlin rose out of the pool to greet them, Linda gave her a reassuring hug. “I’m so sorry this is happening to your family. It seems so surreal. Who could ever want to harm you?”
“I have no idea but we’ll figure it out soon. Thank you so much for coming over on such short notice. Scott and I will be leaving in a minute but here’s the room card. Order dinner for everyone, including you and Mitch. Thanks again, Linda.”
Chapter Nine
“Caitlin,” Tomas said as they entered the small St. Kitts Police headquarters, “you know we have to investigate the Bucklins now, right?”
“How are you going to take on a family like that? You’ll make me a laughing stock and let’s not forget about my father. If the truth comes out he’ll be pissed!”
Scott grabbed Caitlin’s arm and forced her to look at him as they walked into the makeshift conference area. “Caitlin, these notes prove someone out there knows the truth. Why in hell would anyone send that article stating that James Bucklin isn’t your uncle? Given the choice of keeping you alive or exposing the truth, I’m sure your father would choose your life.”
“But how are you going to approach this, there’s no concrete proof, no DNA evidence? Do you know how absurd this is going to sound to a family like that? They’ll think I’m some nutcase and concocted this whole thing to cash in on their fortune. I can’t go through that!”
“I’m sorry, honey, but you don’t have a choice anymore. This is all directed at you and is a link to the Bucklins so you and your father better brace yourselves. I have to form a task force. You’ve been threatened, not once, but three times!” Scott reminded his wife.
“Caitlin,” Drew interrupted when they were seated at the small table, “the FBI has enough to start the investigation with the Bucklins. We need to get back to your family, the one you grew up with.”
“Where do you want me to start, Drew? You’ve met my parents and my brothers.”
“Let’s start with your brothers.”
“My brothers? I have a great relationship with Dean and Daniel. You can’t possibly think they have anything to do with this. If there’s any Bucklin tie, they’d be in the same situation I am, a genetic link to a multi-billionaire. My brothers would never hurt me.”
The current circumstances Caitlin found herself embroiled in stunned and appalled her. Her defenses and resolve dissolved. She couldn’t imagine a situation more incredulous than this.
“Caitlin, I’m not trying to upset you anymore than you already are but there is clearly some personal family connection to these messages and you’re the target. Someone is either pointing you to the truth, or scaring you away from it. I’m sure Tomas and Scott agree with me and so far the latter motive takes precedence. From what I’ve read about Lukas Bucklin, your father would be the first heir and you’d be the first born grandchild if any concrete proof materialized.”
“So is my family being questioned and scrutinized as we speak?” Caitlin pressed her palm against her forehead, flattening her dark bangs. “God what a mess, just when everything started to straighten out with my career and company, this nightmare flares up.”
“We need to investigate all angles at this point and I’m even sorrier to tell you, Caitlin, your company, employees, and definitely Dr. Tessell, will be questioned. Here’s a cup of coffee. Give me a brief background on your family. With Tomas’s Transportation and Security Administration connections, hopefully from the customs records, we can identify someone who stands out that arrived on the island recently. Being July we might get lucky, this isn’t heavy tourist season. There are only two daily flights; one from Miami, the other from New York, and a handful of connections from San Juan, Puerto Rico this time of year.”
Caitlin sipped her coffee and raised a hand to halt further conversation. “Okay, I’ll fill you in on everyone in my family but first I’m calling my parents. If they’re going to get bombarded with questions, I need to break this news to them beforehand. Scott can give you an outline of everyone else until I finish the call. Here’s my address book.”
* * * *
Caitlin left to phone her family. Scott gave an overview of Caitlin’s relatives then called his supervisor, Frank Felton, the Director of the FBI. Scott relayed the situation. Before Scott could finish, his boss cut him off.
“Scott, of course you have my support and that of the entire FBI in this matter. From what you’ve told me, your wife appears to be the intended target. We can’t discount the fact that some whacko might be using your family to get to you, and therefore the FBI.”
“Thanks, Frank.”
“No problem. Keep me posted and I’m glad you have Tomas down there dealing with the local authorities and leading this investigation. The Bucklin family, whew! We’re going to have our hands full with them.” Frank concluded the phone call.
* * * *
Caitlin speed dialed her father’s cell-phone. He picked up on the second ring. “Dad, I need to talk to you, so I hope you’re not in the middle of anything.”
“Caitlin, what is it? Everything okay?”
Caitlin detected the fear in her father’s voice and attempted to reassure him. “Everyone’s safe. There’s been an incident. I wanted to call you before the FBI pounce on you. They’ll have quite a few questions about your real father, whoeve
r that may be. I’ll tell you what’s going on but you need to stay put in case I need to fly Chad and Alexandra back to Florida.”
“Caitlin! The FBI!” Jack screamed, “What the hell happened? Please just tell me.”
After Caitlin recited to her father what had happened in the last two days, Jack responded in an assertive tone. “Caitlin, your safety and happiness mean more to me than anything. If this can of worms has to be opened, then so be it. Our family is more important than my real father. Call me tonight when you’re finished with the police, okay?”
“Yes, Dad. Thanks but this sucks!”
“It sucks but you’ll be safe, don’t worry.”
Caitlin turned off her cell-phone and went back into the police station to answer the barrage of questions she knew awaited. She walked into the small, but efficient conference room, and bluntly stated, “I just got off of the phone with my father, so he’s up to speed on everything that has happened so far. He’s expecting your call, Tomas, and will tell you everything he knows about his adoption.” She then looked at Drew and said, “Are there any questions after Scott gave you the rundown on my family?”
“Not yet, so let’s move onto your aunts and uncles on both sides of your family. Start with your father’s younger twin brother and sister first. Scott skimmed over them but maybe you have something to add that you remember from your childhood.”
“I told you previously that Gary was a gold digger and gambler, he currently works in Las Vegas of all places, as a dealer. He seems to have gotten his act together. I send him a Christmas card every year with pictures of the kids and a short letter about what’s going in with all of us. That’s about all of the contact I have with him. He’s been married and divorced three times and has three different children by each wife. Aunt Virginia is widowed. She likes to be called Ginny and reverted back to her maiden name of Spencer. She moved to South Carolina after her husband died. She has two sons with whom I keep in touch although no more than the occasional Christmas card.”