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Desperate Measures Page 3
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Page 3
Drew looked in the rearview mirror at Caitlin. The shock must’ve worn off a bit. Thankfully some color had returned to her cheeks. When she first saw that picture, all color had drained from her face.
Drew selected a secluded outdoor table on the beach near the Lobster Shack and then said, “This table will do, I’ll get us drinks from Mel before we order dinner.”
Drew specifically chose this establishment. Caitlin and Scott always enjoyed dining here. The food was delicious and the atmosphere relaxing. Not tonight. Drew could tell by the gloomy looks on their faces that the aroma of sizzling seafood didn’t improve Caitlin’s or Scott’s spirits. He sympathized with them. Questions and unknown answers weighed heavily on their minds.
“How’re they doing, Mon?” Mel, the owner of the Lobster Shack, asked Drew. “I heard what happened today and saw you guys drive in. I wanted to let them get settled before I came over to say hi.”
“They’re as well as can be expected at this point. Let me have three Carib beers and then we’ll order dinner,” Drew responded.
“Sure thing, just give me the signal. I’ve got plenty of fresh caught lobsters tonight. Hang in there, Mon.” Mel turned to assist his chef who struggled to keep up with the entrée orders. Flames burst from the grill and seared flanks of fresh caught Mahi-Mahi and Jumbo Shrimp.
Drew returned to the table where he’d left Caitlin and Scott, handed out the beers, and got down to business. “Caitlin, you need to start at the beginning, first tell me about this Dr. Tessell.”
“He’s an asshole! Caitlin’s being the good Samaritan again, giving the underdog a chance, putting too much trust in people,” Scott answered the Police Chief and directed his next statement to his wife. “Didn’t you learn enough after your credibility and career were almost destroyed by those Sons of Bitches at the lab? Couldn’t you have left things the way you and Steve structured the business? Him, VP of Research and Development and you controlled Business Development and Administration,” Scott yelled as he looked at Caitlin.
“So it’s my fault again, right? I try to do the right thing, and now you’ve basically accused me of putting us all in jeopardy because I hired a questionable, albeit world renowned, research scientist. Well go to hell, Scott! Did you see the kitchen and the picture? At this point, I’m not so sure this has anything to do with my company but with me personally. The messages could be warning me not to take a DNA test.”
Scott’s eyes grew wide when he realized her implication. “Oh shit! Caitlin, I thought all of that was long forgotten, after the ruckus you caused when you first found out.”
“‘Oh shit’ is right and so did I until today.” Caitlin shot an uneasy look at Drew then her husband. The conversation halted abruptly when a waitress approached the table.
“Mel sent these over, he thought you could use them,” the waitress said, setting a bucket of Caribs down on the table.
“You got that right,” Drew responded as he uncapped three chilled beers, waited for the woman to retreat, and then firmly said to the arguing couple, “Would you mind telling me what the hell you two are talking about? Caitlin, you better start at the beginning and fill me in pretty damn quick. I know you sent out hundreds of that picture, identical to the one we just found, with Alexandra’s birth announcement. This one appears to have been scanned, but the sender had to have access to one of the originals.”
“Caitlin will give you the lowdown on her family, and what she found out sixteen years ago. I need to call Tomas and see how he’s doing with wrapping up our last case,” Scott declared.
Drew knew Tomas, one of Scott’s top agents, from his previous life in law enforcement. He nodded to Scott and then turned his attention to Caitlin.
“You can’t fool me, Scott,” Caitlin retorted. “I know you completely finalized that case before you left. The last flight from Miami landed two hours ago. I assume Tomas will be arriving on the first plane tomorrow.”
“Yeah, probably. Fill Drew in while I’m gone.” Scott left the table and walked to the water’s edge where he could speak privately on his cell-phone.
Drew sipped his beer and glanced at Caitlin. Despite the severity of this situation, he had to suppress a chuckle. He’d been a witness to the arguments and banter between Caitlin and Scott on many occasions. He called them The Bickersons because those two argued and pushed each other’s buttons. Both were competitive, strong willed, and had to have the last word. They knew each other so well they could finish each other’s sentences and thoughts.
They have everything in the world; smart, successful, rich, not to mention what an attractive couple they made. Both were tall. Scott six-foot-three, Caitlin five-eight. Both were forty-two years old. With the demands of their careers, they should look fifty-five. They didn’t. Early thirties maybe. No sign of any gray hair. Not in Scott’s wavy blonde locks, nor Caitlin’s straight shoulder length mahogany tresses. Could be dyed. Probably not. Must be in the genes. That last thought startled Drew and reminded him about genes, DNA, family, and lots of questions he still needed to ask. Enough musing, he had a job to do.
He tapped on the table, looked into Caitlin’s eyes, and said, “Caitlin, tell me what happened sixteen years ago.”
Caitlin didn’t outwardly show any emotion but her eyes betrayed her. They were the most unique color. Blue-gray until she became angry then they turned light aqua.
An immediate transformation of eye color took place; blue-gray turned into clear aqua. If the sun were still out, eyes and the Caribbean Sea would be indistinguishable. She began the saga with a calm voice. “After my grandmother’s funeral, my father told me…”
Chapter Five
Jack Spencer entered the living room and saw her on the couch reading. He listened for sounds of movement, heard nothing but a quiet house and assumed the twins were surfing. Where else would they be? Ranch house in Deal, New Jersey, with the beach a block away, the waves lured them like a magnet. The seventeen-year-old boys were one hundred percent beach bums.
Jack shook his head. He had to do this. He’d just buried his mother yesterday and took the day off to talk to Caitlin. He only hoped she’d understand. Constance, his wife, would be home from work soon. It had to be done now. Caitlin would be going back to Florida in a few days. He looked at his twenty-six year old daughter, dreading the moment before him. She hadn’t heard him enter the room. Of course she hadn’t. She was engrossed in the new bestselling suspense novel. When she finished, he’d get to read it and looked forward to the adventure. Jack somberly sat in his favorite chair.
“Caitlin, put your book down, we need to talk,“Jack said in a quiet voice.
“Dad, I know we need to talk. I’m not going back. My mind’s made up.”
Jack became puzzled and couldn’t figure out what the hell she was talking about. He forged ahead and asked, “You know? Where aren’t you going back to? Your job and career? You just got a promotion.”
“I quit graduate school and I don’t want to get my Ph.D. Isn’t that what you’re talking about?”
Relief and annoyance swept over him. He sighed. Jack didn’t have time to placate his daughter but being a dutiful father, realized the need to deliver a pep talk.
Quick and to the point he stated, “Caitlin, I’m aware that you don’t want to go back to graduate school. Why would you? Look at where you are since you took a break from academia. You’re doing great in your job.”
“I quit, Dad. I never quit anything.”
“You didn’t quit, you took a break and restructured your career path. You accepted a job as a chemist and how long did that last?”
“Three weeks then I got promoted to laboratory manager.”
“And now?”
“Now I am the laboratory director, being groomed to take over as president in a few years. It’s even documented in the succession procedure in the corporate company’s strategic plan.”
Jack Spencer looked at his only daughter, bewildere
d yet proud. What the hell kind of conversation had he gotten into? Most parents of a twenty-six year old found themselves in a role reversal. Not Jack. He had a daughter who was her own worst enemy. Striving for more, reaching higher and higher. He knew damn well she would become president of the laboratories. He also knew damn well she still wouldn’t be satisfied when it happened. The next goal would be set, if it hadn’t already been drafted.
“Caitlin, this isn’t about graduate school. It’s about our family. There’s something you don’t know. I was adopted,” Jack blurted out.
The book fell from Caitlin’s hands and landed on the living room floor with a thud. She didn’t say anything. After several long moments, a slew of questions broke the silence. “What do you mean adopted? Grandma and Grandpa aren’t my grandparents? Lindsey’s not my cousin? We’re like sisters.”
“Slow down, Caitlin. Grandma was my mother. She got pregnant before she met Grandpa. After they got married he adopted me.”
“Well, who is your real father and what about Aunt Virginia, Uncle Gary, and Aunt Carol? Are they adopted too?” Caitlin asked in a scathing tone.
Jack flinched at Caitlin’s accusatory tone. He’d expected this reaction but it still stung. He wanted this conversation to be the last on the subject. He had no intention of his background becoming the topic of discussion at the dinner table, and he sure as hell didn’t want to become the focus at the next family gathering. He had to be firm and conclusive in his answers, put an end to the whole matter.
“I’ll tell you what I know and this is the last time we speak of this. You’re my first born child, my pride and joy. I love you with all of my heart. I love your brothers of course but you, Caitlin, have always held a special place in my heart. At times, your drive and ambition overwhelm me. I don’t know where you get it from, especially your love of science. None of this affects you or any relationships with your family.”
* * * *
Caitlin glared at her father. Conflicting emotions coursed through her body; anger, confusion, and disappointment battled for control. Feeling betrayed, yet curious, she needed to hear what he had to say. She nodded for him to continue. Jack’s admission left her shell- shocked. She forced herself to remain objective, until she heard all of the facts.
“When I went to get my driver’s license, there had been a question about my birth certificate. Grandma had two certificates; one Jackson Lukas Bucklin and the other Jackson Lukas Spencer. I didn’t understand but Grandma explained that Grandpa wasn’t my real father, he had adopted me. Aunt Carol and Aunt Ginny don’t know anything but Uncle Gary does. When Grandma was in the hospital about ten years ago, after she got that bad infection, she thought she was going to die. She was on a lot of medication and blurted out the truth to your uncle, Aunt Ginny’s fraternal twin. Grandma told Gary I am his half-brother and my real father is a very wealthy man. I never tried to find out more about my biological father, apparently he didn’t want me. As far as I am concerned, Grandpa is my father.”
After the long and rushed speech he had just delivered, Jack rose from his chair and walked to the window, his shoulders stiff and tense. He looked drained and deflated of all energy.
Her anger subsided and she asked her next question with a touch of sympathy. “Dad, you said Bucklin is on your birth certificate and your real father is a very wealthy man. How do you know he never wanted you or more importantly even knew you existed? You have nothing to be ashamed of, your father would be proud to have a son like you. You’re a successful lawyer, the District Attorney, and the most honest and generous person there is.”
Caitlin’s mind whirled. Lukas Bucklin was a multi- billionaire. The owner, founder, and Chairman of the Board of Bucklin Enterprises, headquartered in New York City. He had started his legacy with a small gourmet grocery store in Spring Lake, New Jersey, and later became an international icon associated with success. Caitlin breathed deeply and asked her next question carefully.
“Do the twins know?”
“No, and I don’t know if I will tell them. Your brothers aren’t like you, Caitlin, and you know it. At seventeen, you had goals and priorities set. The boys breeze through life without a care in the world and squeak by barely passing grades. Enough about them. I told you about my past, and I don’t want to talk about this again.”
Caitlin absorbed what Jack said and realized he spoke the truth. Dean and Daniel had no direction and they both had plans of grandeur. Daniel counted on a football scholarship as a start to becoming a big name NFL star. Unrealistic but better than Dean’s outlook on the future. He planned on becoming a professional surfer dude.
Caitlin pushed aside her judgmental thoughts and addressed her father. “Okay, Dad, you’re telling me for a reason and you have faith in me but…”
A curt reply cut off Caitlin’s question. “But nothing. I’ve told you everything and now you know in case of a family medical emergency for you, your brothers, and the children you’ll have someday. I meant what I said. My adoption isn’t a topic I want to discuss. You are my daughter and I will always love you, this doesn’t change who you are. You are and always will be Caitlin Spencer. Never forget that you’re Aces.”
Jack turned and left the room. Tears burned Caitlin’s eyelids at the mention of her nickname. Her maternal grandmother had always called her Aces.
Caitlin waited at the end of the driveway for her mother, Constance, a real estate attorney. She saw the silver Cadillac come into view and charged down the street before her mother could pull into the driveway. Caitlin jumped into the car and burst into tears.
“Mom, let’s go for a ride.”
“Caitlin, what is it?” her mother asked but then knew immediately. “Dad told you.”
“Yes, but I have so many questions. Why is Daddy ashamed? It all makes sense now, though. I always knew Daddy wasn’t like his sisters and brother, he is so different from them and so am I.”
“I know, honey,” Constance said and embraced her in a hug.
“Mom, could it actually be true that the famous Lukas Bucklin is my grandfather?”
* * * *
“Caitlin,” Drew whispered gently and forced her back into the present, “what happened after you found out? I know you wouldn’t let something like this drop.”
“At first no, I didn’t let it drop. That’s when the shit hit the fan.”
“That must’ve been a big fan for all of this crap. Sorry, tell me what happened,” Drew apologized.
“I decided to do some research on Bucklin, more out of fantasy than really expecting to find anything concrete. This doesn’t happen in real life. Only on soap operas does someone find out they could be the unknown granddaughter of someone like Lukas Bucklin. I found an old article containing pictures of Lukas and couldn’t believe how much he looked like my father, the facial structure, nose, and eyes especially.
“In the article, the timelines and locations raised another flag. My grandmother must’ve been sixteen when she conceived my father. Lukas was probably around seventeen, and on his way to becoming a major household name.”
Caitlin paused for a minute before continuing. “Now for more coincidence, which I know you and Scott don’t give credence to in your line of work. I have the picture, the names and the ages. Now for the place. I remember my grandmother telling me she’d spent every weekend in Spring Lake as a teenager. One of her girlfriend’s parents had a summer home there.
“It took me about a month to muster up the courage to call my uncle Gary. I made him promise to keep our conversation between us. He claimed he didn’t know anything more than what my father had already told me. I found this hard to believe because Gary had always been a gold digger, going from job to job, gambling, thinking someday he’d hit the mother lode. Out of anyone, I thought he would’ve found out everything he could before my grandparents died, if for nothing else but to hold it over someone’s head.
“A week later I found out from my furious father, t
hat not only did Gary call him about our confidential conversation, but Aunt Carol and Aunt Virginia knew as well. My father almost disowned me. It was only after numerous calls from Aunt Carol, he finally believed that Gary spilled the beans, not me. I never even thought about the subject again. It wasn’t worth it.
“I grew up with two loving parents and have done quite well for myself on my own. Trying to prove any of this would’ve been a nightmare. Drew, can you imagine taking on someone like the Bucklins? They’re into everything, electronics, oil, and pharmaceuticals. The least of it being the gourmet grocery chain Lukas started.”
Returning to the table after his phone call, Scott interrupted, “So did she update you? Caitlin, I’ll fill you in, but you already know Tomas will be here tomorrow, unofficially for now.”
“I don’t know how long his status will remain unofficial. Haven’t you two seen the latest article about the Bucklins in People magazine?” Drew asked in a concerned voice.
“Huh?” Caitlin and Scott said at the same time.
“Caitlin, have you kept up to date with this family since you found out you might be a part of them?”
“Drew, I told you I dropped the whole sensitive topic years ago but I follow the news about them like anyone else in the world. You can’t pick up a paper without reading what they’re into next.”
“The article I’m talking about came out yesterday. Apparently, Lukas resigned as Chief Executive Officer but remains as Chairman of the Board and turned the helm over to his son James. James was working on the sidelines before this became official and acquired another pharmaceutical company. Yesterday, he announced he appointed a new Senior Vice President of Research and planned to revise all operations within Bucklin Enterprises. This new VP and officer of the company is some hotshot biochemist. James invested millions in him, with the promise that his DNA research will result in the long awaited cure for cancer. Sound familiar, Caitlin, didn’t you mention coincidence before?” Drew probed.